Monday, March 26, 2012

Novel Reflection: Silence - Becca Fitzpatrick

First off I would like to start with the fact that I just figured out... THIS IS THE 3rd BOOK IN THE SERIES...which means I actually skipped a whole 2nd book! FLUFFERY!!! That seriously messed up my whole night, I just can't believe, what the fluff? Speechless.
Well, Nora Grey ends up in a cemetery with no memory of what happened the last five month. Bits and bits of her memory slowly comes together, but it's still all fuzzy. She finds out her mom is actually dating Hank Millar, father of her arch nemesis, Marcie Millar, but she's getting all kinds of creepy vibes from Hank suspecting he's hiding something big. She ends up meeting Patch (not remembering him, of course), for old guardian angel boyfriend, but all he tell her is he's just something she use to know and wants her to stay away from him and start a new life, and Nora wasn't going to give up, she plans on restoring all her memory. She also encounters Scott Parnell, her old friend since grade school. He starts fessing up and tells Nora what really happened the last five months, she found out Hank Millar is actually her real father, who's a Nephil (half-angel), the most powerful one ever, and that he was planning a whole army of Nephilims to attack the Fallen Angels and he was one of Hank's nephilim that had escaped. Hank kidnapped Nora to use Patch for information on the Fallen Angel and has erased her last-five-months memory to keep her in the dark about his plans. The more memory that she restored, the more it puts her in danger, danger between a war of Fallens and Nepilim to be exact.
I found myself really hooked on reading this, this was much better than Hush, Hush. I love the idea of Nora losing her memory. In this book, I understand and connected more to the characters, since they were more built up. Overall, it was brilliant, I enjoyed this so much. I loved it!

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