Wednesday, February 15, 2012


This is one of the most meaningful songs I've ever came across, I absolutely love it. The song is so much better than lemonade on a summer's day (LOL...what?!), it's has a very true message if you listen closely to the lyrics. It's about HOLLYWOOD... (Obviously), and how the industry is always after the next new and fresh thing. It's a non-stopping cycle of forgetting & abandoning old stars, and just chasing to keep up with the new ideas & stars or what makes for money. Also about how all the money and fame will soon fade in time and your minute of fame will just be washed away by other new and young stars. Plus in the song, JoJo uses "A Man" as a metaphor for the industry... HOLLYWOOD. SHE IS AMAZING!
Le Forever JoJo Fan.
(P.S: The song has curse words! I know! Ms.Patrice will sooo TOAST MY BACON... o.O dead meat...still an AWESOME song though LOL) =]